
Macumazahn Creepn UponU

29th April, 2002 – 20th September, 2007

Hips:  7/4  Elbows:  0/0
Thyroid Normal
Eyes Cert – Normal – Dr. R. A.Read, Ophthalmologist
Full Dentition

On 20th September 2007 – Spin was 8 weeks pregnant and had eaten very little for the last week.  After numerous tests and ultrasounds etc the vets opened her up to try to save her and if possible, her unborn babies.   Upon opening her they found a massive adrenal tumor which was inoperable, as it was attached to many main blood vessels and organs.   These tumors are rare, extremely aggressive and thankfully, not thought to be hereditary.   This was not the problem they were expecting to see!

The puppies had also recently died as their blood supply had been slowly cut off by this tumor.  It was a devastating but the most loving decision I could make, to euthanase Spin whilst she was under anaesthetic as she had only days left and I didn’t want her to suffer any longer.  A very sad day for me as she was so much a part of my life for such a short time though – 5 years just isn’t long enough.  Her spirit will always be close to me.   Along with her ancestors she was cremated and now spends her days at home in the lounge, where she belongs.

Spin was named her after Darren Hayes’ – “Spin” album and a song from it. Her nicknames included “Wiggle”, she was the 5th member of the “Wiggles” – the Brown one !!!  She never stoped wagging her tail and wiggled her whole body at the same time –  Spindle and Seal because she had the most perfect eyes that made her look like a seal pup.

Spin had a great, fun loving temperament and was full of life.  Everyone fell in love with Spin.    She was extremely active and had many of her mother’s mannerisms.    She loved nothing more than to play with Kube & her daughter Ripple – then she proceeded to de-stuff all the toys!    Spin enjoyed swimming and chasing anything that moved that had a heart beat.

Spin was awarded Best Puppy In Group 1st Feb 2003 by Mr. J. Dostal (Czech Rep).   We attended the Victorian RR Championship Specialty in March 2003.  Spin was awarded Best Puppy In Show and also Best Gaited Bitch.  Spin’s litter sister Krystal who is owned by Leanne Walker of “Koninklik Rhodesian Ridgebacks” in Perth – Western Australia, was awarded Best Junior In Show.  At the South Australian RR Championship Specialty 26th April, 2003 – Spin was awarded Best Ridge. On 31st August, 2003 Spin was again awarded Best Ridge at the South Australian RR Open Specialty.

Spin delivered her first litter of gorgeous babies on 26th July 2004.  The sire of the litter is Grand Champion Caprivi Asgood As Itgets ET  aka  “Batman”.  Batman is also the sire of Rove.  Although there were only 4 pups in the litter, they were lovely puppies.  Spin was the perfect mother. In February 2006 she had her second litter to Ch. Zimbalooba Boom Man, she had 10 gorgeous puppies in this litter.  I kept a bitch from this litter = “Ripple”.

Spin’s litter sister Perla lives in Slovakia.

At the young age of 16.5mths, MultiBISS, MultiCh. ICH. GrandCh. VeteranCh. MACUMAZAHN TUSANI PEARL was awarded BEST IN SHOW by South African Judge & Breed Specialist – Mr. Richard van Aken at the Czech Republic Specialty Show on 13th September, 2003.  There was a breed entry of 140.  Congratulations to Monika Tusanova on her fantastic win with her baby girl “Perla”.  I am very proud of Perla as this is her second Specialty since living in Europe. At her first specialty, she won the award of Best Slovak Bitch 2003 & Best Headed Bitch.  Perla is following in her mother’s (Spice) paw prints with winning Specialty shows.  Perla continues her “family tradition” by winning BEST IN SHOW at the Slovak Specialty Show on 29th August, 2004 and then again BEST IN SHOW at the Austrian Specialty Show on 4th September, 2004.  Huge congratulations to Perla and Monika for their efforts in the show ring.

Perla produced award winning progeny for Monika.  Perla passed away on 11th February 2014.

On Saturday 13th September 2003, over in Perth – Western Australia – Spin’s litter sister  “Krystal”  – Ch. Macumazahn Ocean Pearl – owned by Leanne Walker of Koninklik Rhodesian Ridgebacks was awarded Junior In Show & Best Gaited Bitch by breeder judge Mr. John Comerford at the championship specialty show.